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Ольга Дроздова

Olga Drozdova – journalist of the Agency of Social Information.

“Breaking Down barriers” Film Festival is very dear to me. It is not surprising, because I was one of the first people to let oneself into this. In 2002, we created a film festival from scratch and were surprised we succeeded and people needed it so much. The movies are screened and discussed in many regions of the country, and I believe this helps change life for the best: good cinema with bright imagery, speech, emotions, drama, where there is history and art, it helps achieve much more than mere talking. I like how the Festival has expanded the discussion surrounding disability issues: the movies are not only about barrier-free environments, equal rights and education, but also about creative freedom, humor and special aesthetics, subtle things, which can only be expressed through art. I also like that thanks to the Festival and its workshops our directors started making more movies and there are now fewer stereotypes than before.

© 2002-2014 Международный кинофестиваль «Кино без барьеров».
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Кино без барьеров» обязательна. 
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