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Jury Members

Irina Bezrukova

Ирина Безрукова

Actress, audio describer. Irina Bezrukova has worked as a stage actress at the Rostov Academic Drama Theater (1986-1988), the Tula Drama Theater (1988-1989), the Oleg Tabakov Theatre (1990), and the Moscow Gubernsky Theater (2014). She has also acted in about 30 feature, television, and animated films.

In 2013, Ms. Bezrukova received advanced certification as an audio describer, and she is currently working in that profession at the Moscow Gubernsky Theater. She is the co-founder and creative director, since 2013, of the Sergei Bezeukov Foundation for Social and Cultural Projects.

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Кино без барьеров» обязательна. 
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