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Two Brothers

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Two Brothers tells us a story about a special brotherhood. Rino is eleven years old and loves to be in the water. He is taking part in a swimming competition. His brother Nik is nine years old. He 's been confined to a wheelchair en will never walk again. Nik is supporting Rino for the very first time in his life in the swimming hall because normally it is too hot for him there. This determination shows us the special bond the two brother have. "Rino is doing a lot for me, he helps me all the time and is never nagging about it"

They love to play together especially playing outside en driving around with the wheelchair while Rino is sitting on the back of it. They keep on searching for different ways of playing together; playing soccer with a wheelchair asks for patience and adeption. 2Brothers is a film about two boys who love each other deeply.

Additional Info

  • Автор (Author): Hilt Lochten
  • Время (Time): 00:15:00
  • Страна (Country): Нидерланды (Netherlands)
  • Год (Year): 2010


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Кино без барьеров» обязательна. 
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