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A Cold Land

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Morovat and his sister Mahin are disabled brother and sister have just become homless as a result of a flood caused by the river nearby which overflew its bank a year ago.

He is paralysis and can not walk on his feet, therefore he uses his hands for walking.

He and his sister who is unable to move live in a small nylon camp in a village next to the ruins of their house.

Morovat never gives up his hopes for a better future and frequently leaves the camp, crosses a bridge over the river and walks the road to the town on his both hands and there he tries get help from relevant authority to rebuild their house.

Even though his requests are turned down from time to time, he goes on having high hopes for their dream house and tries to cheer up his sister in order to forget the pains strains of difficulties of their current situation.

Additional Info

  • Автор (Author): Shahriar Pourseyedian
  • Время (Time): 00:22:00
  • Страна (Country): Иран (Iran)
  • Год (Year): 2012

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