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Welcome to Holland

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From the director: «It's called Welcome to Holland. If you're not familiar with the piece, it's from a Sesame Street writer named Emily Perl Kingsley. It is a widely published and translated piece which compares the experience of someone finding out their child has a disability to having a trip to Italy rerouted to Holland.

I wanted to make it because when my wife and I were expecting our twins, we were told that one of the children appeared to have characteristics of down syndrome. We were given some reading material to help prepare us on raising a child with special needs. One of the pages in the booklet was Welcome to Holland. I was really moved by the writer's words and wanted to translate that to a short film

Additional Info

  • Автор (Author): Sean Cisterna
  • Время (Time): 00:02:43
  • Страна (Country): Канада (Canada)
  • Год (Year): 2014

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