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My life: breaking free

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Ruben, Harley and Nicole are three very different twelve year-olds, with one very big thing in common. They all have a dream and they won’t let anything stand in the way of it – especially Down’s Syndrome.

Having been protected by their families since birth, we follow these three extraordinary children over the summer, where they’ll take their first steps to independence.

Glimpsing into the lives of three incredible children, we watch as they prove they can do anything anyone else can do and better, and break free from the protective bubble of their family.

Additional Info

  • Автор (Author): Kate Monaghan
  • Время (Time): 00:29:00
  • Страна (Country): Великобритания (UK)
  • Год (Year): 2012

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Кино без барьеров» обязательна. 
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