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Through Ellen's Ears

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Like her parents and most of her family, 11-year-old Ellen is deaf and communicates using sign language. She can only articulate with great difficulty. In her last year of primary school, she has to make a crucial decision: Should she continue her studies in a special school for deaf or should she try, like her best friend Myrthe, to study at a secondary school for hard of hearing children? Her concerns about her new environment are shared by her father. Like Ellen, he is worried about whether she will be able to handle her new school with her handicap. This documentary sensitively shows that, despite her disability, Ellen is just like any other child.

Additional Info

  • Автор (Author): Saskia Gubbels
  • Время (Time): 00:18:00
  • Страна (Country): Нидерланды (Netherlands)
  • Год (Year): 2011

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